Thursday, March 08, 2012

WORK: March 6, 2012

Mouth Fish (in progress) (Juniper Wanless)
Color Rendering of Eye Fish (Brooke Myhre)

Robert and Coral remove "Discretion" from the mold.

Amber is the hand model for "Kindred."

Lauren and Kitreena work on their masks.

Goods (top) and Beauty (bottom) ready to have their molds made.
"Beauty" (Jennifer Jennings)

"Goods" (Jillian Park)

The Mouth Fish (in progress) (Juniper Wanless)

Shadow Puppet Horse (Juniper Wanless & Christopher Hobson)

Kristy mixes up alginate for hands for "Kindred."

Jill and Jenni remove armature and plasticene from the finished plaster mold.

"Goods" after being removed from the plaster mold.

The inside of the plaster mold for "Goods."

"Discretion" after being removed from his plaster mold. (Coral Ferguson)

The inside of Discretion's plaster mold.

The Mask for "Knowledge" (in progress)  (Kitreena Wakefield)


Lauren works on "Good Deeds" (Lauren Darm)

Tim opens up a plaster piece mold he has made to reveal a plaster skull.

Charles works on bone stencils.

Seven gessoes "Fellowship."

Seven models the Angel of Death helmet.

The Angel of Death (Seven Stevens, Lorien Newbury, Shae Uisna)

Amber's hand in foam will be used for the puppet of "Kindred."

Amber's hands in foam.

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