Friday, April 20, 2012

Press Release

April 20, 2012
For Immediate Release:
What: The Play “Everyman” by Anonymous (15th Century.)
Contact: Shae Uisna for information.
When: Friday May 4th, Saturday May 5th, Friday May 11th, Saturday May 12th at 7:30PM There is also a FREE matinee performance on Thursday May 10th at 11:00AM and a final matinee performance on Sunday May 13th at 2PM.
Where: At the Performing Arts Center (PAC) of Portland Community College, Sylvania Campus: 12000 SW 49th Ave. Portland, OR 97219
Tickets are available a half-hour before performances at the Theatre. Theatre tickets are $10 general admission, $8 Seniors, Students and Staff, and $5 for groups of 12 or more.
Box Office Phone: 971-722-4949
Who: Patrick Tangredi, Director; Shae Uisna, Puppet Design; Jamie Tait, Set Design; Dan Hays, Lighting Design; Erin Gilday & Lauren Darms, Costume Design.

About the Play “Everyman”:   

Crossing the gulf of centuries from medieval times to today, “Everyman” deals with timeless issues; it asks the important question: When you die, what really matters and what of our earthly life is lasting and significant?

Told with fantastic larger than life puppets and set in a metaphysical landscape of mystery and intrigue, this 600 year-old play follows the journey of the character "Everyman," who is tasked by Death to meet God his Maker for a reckoning. Stalling for time, Everyman begs for the chance to bring a single companion with him to his death. He tries to enlist his Family (Kin, Cousin), Material Goods, Beauty, Strength, and his Five-Senses, but none will follow him to his death. Will his feeble companion "Good Deeds" be worthy enough to follow him to his final reckoning? Come and find out, and see a modern spectacle that reaches across the centuries to tell a timeless existential tale of humor, struggle, and the indomitable human spirit.

Of special interest to this contemporary and exciting production are the puppet designs of guest artist Shae Uisna and the set design of Jamie Tait. In this vision of otherworldly and extraordinary events, Ms. Uisna has shown how powerful puppets can be in expressing ineffable experiences, while Mr. Tait has created a hauntingly lyrical world, a driftwood cathedral of skeletal trees for actors, shadows and puppets to tell their tale. for photos of the making of the puppets and masks.

Finished Puppets on Stage

Eye-Fish, Strength & Beauty

From left: Strength, Beauty, Goods, Fellowship

Kindred, Strength, Beauty, Goods, Fellowship, Discretion

Beauty, Kindred, Fellowship

Beauty, Eye-Fish, Strength

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Everyman Show Info & Postcard

EVERYMAN opens May 4 @ 7:30PM and runs May 5, 11, 12 @ 7:30PM,  Thurs. May 10th @ 1PM and Sun. May 13th @ 2PM. Performances are at PCC Sylvania, in the PAC  (Performing Arts Center.) Buy tickets the night/day of the performance 1/2 hour prior to curtain at the PAC  Box Office. ($10 general, $8 students & seniors) Rated PG for medieval prose & some puppet scary moments.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Puppets in Progress: March 08 - 23, 2012

Close-up of "Fellowship" (Seven Stevens)

Seven paints the Mask for the Angel of Death (Seven Stevens)

One of the "5-Wit Fish Puppets," (Hearing) hangs from the "Fishing Pole" in the Shop. 

Chris Davis and the "Left-Ear Fish" (Chris Davis, John Teply)

Kitreena Wakefield paints the mask of "Knowledge."

Lauren Darm puts the finishing touches on the mask of "Good Deeds."

Coral Ferguson working on one of the Hand-Fish.

"Cousin" and his creator, Kitty Nunez.

Seven makes the back of the head for "Fellowship."

"Cousin" (Kitty Nunez)

"Knowledge" (Kitreena Wakefield)

Kitty and Cousin ^-.-^

The color-rendering of "Kin" by Kristy Bess.

"Kin" (Kristy Bess)

Thursday, March 08, 2012

WORK: March 6, 2012

Mouth Fish (in progress) (Juniper Wanless)
Color Rendering of Eye Fish (Brooke Myhre)

Robert and Coral remove "Discretion" from the mold.

Amber is the hand model for "Kindred."

Lauren and Kitreena work on their masks.

Goods (top) and Beauty (bottom) ready to have their molds made.
"Beauty" (Jennifer Jennings)

"Goods" (Jillian Park)

The Mouth Fish (in progress) (Juniper Wanless)

Shadow Puppet Horse (Juniper Wanless & Christopher Hobson)

Kristy mixes up alginate for hands for "Kindred."

Jill and Jenni remove armature and plasticene from the finished plaster mold.

"Goods" after being removed from the plaster mold.

The inside of the plaster mold for "Goods."

"Discretion" after being removed from his plaster mold. (Coral Ferguson)

The inside of Discretion's plaster mold.

The Mask for "Knowledge" (in progress)  (Kitreena Wakefield)


Lauren works on "Good Deeds" (Lauren Darm)

Tim opens up a plaster piece mold he has made to reveal a plaster skull.

Charles works on bone stencils.

Seven gessoes "Fellowship."

Seven models the Angel of Death helmet.

The Angel of Death (Seven Stevens, Lorien Newbury, Shae Uisna)

Amber's hand in foam will be used for the puppet of "Kindred."

Amber's hands in foam.