Jill and Jenni inject foam into an alginate mold to make a hand. |
Jill injects foam into an alginate mold to make a hand. |
Putting the final spray of foam into the alginate mold once it's safely back in the plastic mother mold. |
Kitty's sculpt of "Cousin." |
Lauren works on a newspaper armature in preparation for papier mache. |
Brooke adds wire to her fish's armature. |
Kitty is the hand-model in alginate. |
Kristy sculpts the head of "Kindred." |
Israel injects foam into vacu-foam molds of gears. |
Jill, Kitty and Jenni work together to inject foam into the tips of the fingers. |
Tim staples down a piece of styrene on a wooden form in preparation for vacu-forming. |
Our makeshift "oven" is improvised from a heater, a hotplate and a tall sheet of aluminum curled into a circle. |
My house vacuum requisitioned for service in the vacu-form machine. |
Lorien (left) and Seven (right) at work. |
Seven finishing his sculpt of "Fellowship." |
Heating the sheet of styrene over our jerry-rigged stove. Tim's prototype skull mask is sitting on the green foam, ready to be used as the base for the vacu-formed plastic mask. |
Tim (left) and Jerod (right) force the heated styrene over the skull form with the vacuum going. The soft styrene gets sucked all around the skull form by the vacuum, making a mask. |
Observing their efforts. |
The plastic skull mask. |
Tim's first vacu-formed skull mask. This also shows the size potential of our vacu-form machinery. |
A test of special UV-sensitive paints under special blacklights at Hollywood Lights |
"Invisible Blue" painted on fabric - glows violet under blacklight but appears a faint white under normal lights. |